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It took me 14 years before, and 7 years past my bachelors to understand and simplify my revolution. I just want to give people their agency back. My elevator speech was for the most part pretty long until now. I am combating corporatism, social engineering, learned helplessness, and overall cognitive dissonance in search of homeostasis through art, design, philosophy, and science.



“See the illusion. Take back your power. Build the truth.”

main illustration rat in a box with cheese and key

Agency is the core of freedom, creativity, and growth. Without it, we are trapped in systems of control, manipulated by external forces, and paralyzed by learned helplessness. To reclaim agency is to awaken to truth, realign with your inner power, and act with purpose.

1. What Is Agency?

Agency is the ability to think, choose, and act intentionally. It’s what allows us to live authentically, align with truth, and shape the world around us. Without agency, we are passive participants in life, controlled by systems, narratives, and habits that dictate our decisions for us.

2. How Agency Is Lost

Agency is often stripped away by design, through systems and patterns that thrive on disconnection and disempowerment.

3. How to Reclaim Agency

Reclaiming agency is a process of awakening, realignment, and action. It’s about seeing the systems of control for what they are, breaking free from their hold, and choosing a path that resonates with universal truths.